FRANKENFIELD-Aaron S. - Fountain County INGenWeb Project

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Beckwith, H. W. History of Fountain County, Indiana Chicago: HH Hill, 1881 p 243

Aaron S. FRANKENFIELD, deceased, Newtown. James Stafford moved from Ohio with an ox-team in the year 1829 and made a home about a mile and a half northeast of Newtown on land now owned by Michael Bever. Mrs. Frankenfield's home also is a part of the old homestead. He had sold and left a good home in Ohio and for some time at first after coming here was much discontented and would have gone back but his wife, whose maiden name was Anna Savage was a lady of high spirit and courage and steadily refused to listen to such a proposition. Mr. Stafford's children were; Sarah Ann, born May 5, 1820; John W. Nov 26, 1827 (deceased); Rebecca Ann June 3, 1829; Charles May 9, 1831; James M June 26, 1833; Mary Ellen, Sept 14, 1835; Elizabeth Jane May 3, 1838 (deceased) and William Harrison, Dec 31, 1843. Mr. Stafford was an earnest advocate of schools and labored with zeal to build up the cause of universal education at home. IN the temperance field he was equally efficient as a worker and exerted a strong influence for the suppression of liquor drinking and the traffic in his community. His eldest son and his daughter Rebecca he educated at Greencastle. The former died there while attending school. Of the other sons, James and William each served 3 years in the late war. The latter was discharged on account of a pulmonary affection and now lives in Kansas. The former is a stock dealer at Rossville, illinois. Both parents are dead the father's life ending in Nov 1855 and mother's March 21, 1876. Aaron S. Frankenfield was born in Springifled Township, Bucks County PA Feb 29, 1824. He began tending store when 16 and followed merchandising all his life. Aobut 1845 he settled in Lafayette and married Rebecca A. Stafford Dec 5, 1850. She was born in Highland County Ohio June 3, 1829. In 1854 he moved toNewtown where he died Spet 22, 1864. His children were; Emma, born Dec 20, 1851 died July 8, 1852; Mary Ella July 16, 1853 died Jan 10, 1879 was the wife of Rev. LS Buckles of the Northwest Indiana conference; Charles A, March 4, 1856; Carrie March 22, 1859; Fannie June 8, 1861; James S. June 8, 1863. Mrs. Frankenfield belongs to the Methodist Church and her husband was a consistent and faithful member from the time he united in 1851 and held the offices of Sabbath-School superintendent steward and trustee. Charles A, was married to Miss Kittie, daughter of Edward and Martha Taylor Parrett Jan 1, 1878. She was born Jan 2, 1858. Both are members of the Methodist Church. He has been Sabbath-School Superintendent on eyear and is a republican.
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